Weiß Schwarz: KONOSUBA – Gods blessing on this wonderful world! Legend of Crimson – Display – englisch
Card Types:
Total 100 types of cards + 30 types (Parallel)
- 2 SSP (Super Special)
- 5 SP (Special)
- 6 RRR (Triple Rare)
- 17 SR (Super Rare)
- 10 RR (Double Rare)
- 22 R (Rare)
- 31 U (Uncommon)
- 28 C (Common)
- 8 CC (Climax Common)
- 4 CR (Climax Rare)
Exclusive Cards and Items
– Every pack you purchase has a chance to contain a hot-stamped signed card from the following cast!
◆ Sora Amamiya (as Aqua)
◆ Rie Takahashi (as Megumin, 2 varieties)
◆ Ai Kayano (as Darkness)
◆ Aki Toyosaki (as Yunyun, 2 varieties)
◆ Yui Horie (as Wiz)
– 1 of 4 exclusive PR cards in every display box!
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